Swimming with Sea Lions
A marine wildlife extravaganza of a day!
We depart Todos Santos for La Paz, get our gear, hop in the boats, then it’s off to the unbelievable joy of swimming and playing with the sea lion puppies at the permanent sea lion colony of Los Islotes.

These fun-loving marine mammals love playing and interacting with humans, and are always disappointed that we can never keep up a game of tag as long as they can. Getting to the sea lion colony is half the fun of the day, as we regularly see dolphins, whales, mantas, sea turtles, coastal birds and more on the way there and back.

We cap off this wonderful day with a delicious picnic lunch at one of the gorgeous beaches on the incomparable Isla Espiritu Santo. It’s an absolutely fabulous day!


  • Full Day

Price in USD

  • 2-3 guests: $230/person
  • 4 + guests: $215/person
(*A 16% IVA tax will be added to final price)


  • Roundtrip Todos Santos/La Paz transportation
  • Bilingual, naturalist guide who is a certified Wilderness First Responder, NOM-9 graduate and Leave No Trace certified
  • Boat/captain/snorkeling gear
  • Delicious picnic lunch on Isla Espiritu Santo

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Going Green

  • This trip is carbon neutral
  • No single-use plastics are used
  • All organic waste is composted and all eligible materials are recycled

Tomorrow's Air

Carbon removal from our atmosphere is essential in addressing the world's climate crisis. We are a proud carbon capture education partner with Tomorrow's Air and have supported the removal of one ton of carbon dioxide from the air. Learn more!

What to Bring

  • Swimsuit, towel + beach shoes
  • Reef-friendly sunblock
  • Hat & Sunglasses
  • Dry clothes for return drive
